3 Top Tips for Meal Planning Success

  • Posted on April 5, 2018 at 12:40 pm
Posted in Burn Fat and Feast
3 Top Tips for Meal Planning Success

As a mom of three and a busy business owner myself, I completely understand what a pain point meal prep can be. With a great strategy for meal prep in place for each week though, you’ll find much of the stress is relieved and you find time in the week you wouldn’t have otherwise had. Worth it!


When I work with clients online through the Burn Fat and Feast program, I teach them about the value of meal prep and how truly helpful it can be to achieve your goals and freeing up time in your week. This meal prep strategy is a great complement to The Fat Burning Guide, with even more tips on maximizing your time with a healthy lifestyle that brings results.

Here are a few of my best tips I share with my clients, that you can begin implementing into your healthy meal routine this week.


Tip 1: Make 3 Meals for the Week & Double the Servings

It’s rare that I have a client that just loves and has ample time to cook every. single. day. That’s a lot of stovetop time! By planning three specific meals for the week, you can limit your time in the kitchen and stretch out your meals.

Here’s the key… For each meal that you make, cook double the portion. That means when I’m making a dinner for my family of five, I’m actually going to cook 10 servings in my crockpot at once. This small tweak is major because not only do I have more meals available when things get busy in the week, I can also freeze what we want to eat another day and simply defrost a delicious, fresh meal on those days we need a quick, healthy meal on demand.

One example of a meal that I make often in doubles is meatloaf. I make two pans of meatloaf, serving my family that night with one and freezing the other for that crazy weeknight it’s needed later.

Tip 2: Use all your Appliances

All the time saved meal planning can easily feel pointless when you spend endless hours making multiple meals that require the same appliance. When you are meal prepping, you want to maximize your time by using all your appliances at once.

This means that when I’m in meal prep mode, I’m using my oven, my stovetop and my crockpot to cook multiple fresh meals at once. Trust me, this is a gamechanger!

When you sit down to plan your meals before taking a trip to the grocery store, think about how you can select meals where you can maximize your meal output in the minimum amount of time by using your appliances simultaneously.

Here are some meal examples that would make a great meal prep plan:

Crockpot: BBQ or Pot-roast and Vegetables

Oven: Sweet Potatoes and Fresh Green Veggies

Stovetop: Cook up your meat of choice, like ground meat

Tip 3: Fresh Veggies and Fruit on Hand at All Times

In addition to having meals on demand in your fridge and freezer, you want to have some fresh items you can just pick up from your produce section.

I almost always have the pre-mixed fresh salad in my fridge for those times throughout the week I need a quick meal on the go or want to add some more greens to a meal.

Apples, oranges, grapes and bananas are also perfect go-to fruit options that I always have on hand to get nutrients in my system when things are busy.

Find the healthy, little/no-prep items that you can have on hand in your fridge to grab throughout the week and keep you on track.

I hope these ideas help with your meal prep. Now it’s time to make your list and get to the grocery store!

Interested in more ways you can implement a healthy lifestyle to bring results? Grab a copy of our Fat Burning Guide:



What tip shared do you plan on implementing into your meal prep strategy this week? Let me know in the comments! 

Keep the tips in you back pocket- pin this image for later!



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