8 Best Ways to Boost Metabolism and Burn Fat: No Workout Required!

  • Posted on April 5, 2018 at 3:40 pm
Posted in Burn Fat and Feast
8 Best Ways to Boost Metabolism and Burn Fat: No Workout Required!

As a fitness professional (personal trainer, fitness instructor and nutritionist), I do feel I need a disclaimer here before we move forward…making fitness part of your routine is incredibly important for health and wellness. We have plenty of Fat Blasting Workouts for you to check out as well on the blog such as this 10 Minute Fat Blasting HIIT Workout 


Ok now let me also say, working out isn’t the entire picture. There are many other strategies that can boost your metabolism, burn fat and balance your hormones.

Are you one of those people who seem to eat very little, but still find it hard to lose weight?

Or possibly you’ve hit your 40s (like me), and are suddenly struggling to lose around your midsection…finding that what you’ve always done to stay lean is no longer working?

Both are common problems and the natural response for us is to blame it on a slow metabolism.

When we start to see and feel the pounds creep in, we tend to think there must be something wrong with our metabolism and/or thyroid.

While everyone’s metabolic rate – the speed at which we burn calories – varies and does start to drop as we get older, it’s important not to fall into the trap of automatically thinking it’s the main reason for the thickness around your middle.

So although we may not be able to blame our excess weight entirely on a slow metabolism, we have MANY ways to boost our metabolism, lose fat and balance out our hormones all at once.


The strategies do not stop here! Grab our Metabolism and Hormone Checklist here:



Salmon is a great lean protein source and metabolism booster. Salmon is high in omega-3 fatty acids, a healthy fat that the body does not produce on its own. Omega-3 fatty acids decrease the risk of heart disease, irregular heartbeats, and help lower blood pressure levels. These healthy fats also increase your ability to focus and improve your mood. Try consuming grilled salmon for dinner along with green veggies at least once a week. Remember when choosing your salmon, wild-caught Alaskan is best. Stay away from farm raised fish!


Coconut oil has become an essential part of every healthy household, with benefits ranging from a useful moisturizer to promoting oral health and everything in between. But can it boost metabolic rate? The answer seems to be yes. Choose extra virgin coconut oil to ensure you are consuming the purest form of the oil with all of its natural benefits. Coconut oil is comprised of medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) that are easy to digest and quickly absorbed into the body to be used for energy and not stored as fat. Vegetable oil counterparts are comprised of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) which have longer chains linked together and require the help of liver enzymes for digestion. Try cooking meats and veggies in coconut oil or even add it to your morning cup of joe.


When you compare standing vs. sitting  the differences are profound. While we are sitting, we don’t have to use any muscles. Standing uses multiple muscles at one time! Now standing does not need to be done all day —one to two-hour standing sessions can boost your metabolism. Not sure about investing in a standing desk, no worries, simply start by placing your laptop on a tall desk a few times a day.


Cinnamon is a great natural metabolism-boosting spice. This spice does an incredible job of stabilizing energy levels because it does not spike your blood sugar. Cinnamon also helps ease stomach cramps and nausea. Get in the habit of sprinkling some in your morning coffee or tea, on your oats, or in your afternoon snack.


Hot peppers have been linked to reducing obesity and related disorders because they increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation by increasing the metabolism. Cayenne pepper, for example, improves digestion, blood circulation, and increases energy levels. Cayenne pepper also contains high amounts of vitamin C, vitamin A, and essential minerals. Add cayenne pepper to your salads, soups, snacks and meals for a zesty kick and huge health benefits.


A contrast shower is one where you start off with warm water for two to three minutes, then change the water temperature to cool for 30 to 45 seconds. It may be slightly unpleasant, but the contrast shower will relax blood vessels during the warm phase and contract them during the cool phase. This has a major impact on your body’s circulatory system. The change in temperature also has a relaxing effect on our fight-or-flight reflexes. This results in helping us sleep deeper, which in turn leads to improved energy throughout the day and increased metabolism and fat loss. Try implementing contrast showers a few times a week, then work your way to every day for maximum benefit.


Not only does grapefruit contain an enzyme that aids in burning fat but it’s also a great source of vitamin C and vitamin A, two vitamins that have been proven to contribute to clear skin, a more even complexion, and a reduction in dark circles under your eyes. Grapefruit is also fantastic for digestion; it helps the body break down protein in order to be used more efficiently. Here’s a great way to implement multiple metabolism and fat burning strategies in one swoop: sprinkle cinnamon and cayenne pepper on your grapefruit and eat it standing up along side your last tip below tomorrow morning…now that’s what I call a win!


Green tea contains many healthy nutrients and is credited with boosting metabolic rate. Clinical studies suggest that catechins in green tea are responsible for speeding up metabolism and weight loss. Researchers believe five eight-ounce cups a day may increase caloric burn by 90 calories. Sound hard to do? If you drink two cups in the morning, you can get the benefits of both the catechins and caffeine to maximize metabolic boost. (Caffeine is also believed to boost metabolic rate.) Then, add brewed decaf iced green tea to drink throughout the day to get the additional thermogenic effect from the very cold water, maximizing your metabolism and all day fat burn.


Need more? We have included 7 additional strategies to boost metabolism, burn fat and balance hormones including: best type of workout, how to utilize food timing and tweak your daily routine for optimial results and many more in the Metabolism and Hormone Checklist…




We love hearing from you. Comment below and tell us which strategy you are implementing in your daily routine this week!


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