Burn Fat & FEAST


Resetting Your Intentions After the New Year Hype

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February 7, 2022

2:25 pm

The New Year always brings about excitement and setting BIG goals for the months ahead, but what happens once the newness wears off and our intentions fall short of what we had planned?  Today’s post is going to focus on resetting your intentions after the New Year hype.  We are going to discuss the biggest reasons why we fail and how to move forward with creating healthy habits that will last the long haul.

Why Do We Fail?

Two of the biggest reasons why we fail are because we over commit on our resolutions.  We create TOO many goals to try to achieve at once.  When you have too many balls in the air, you don’t make any one in particular a priority and eventually they all drop. Another reason is that the visual picture we create in our minds ends up a lot differently in real life.  Let’s look at a weight loss goal.  In your mind you want to lose x amount of weight for a specific month, but your results fall short each and every week.  You get discouraged when real life doesn’t match up with your mental image and disappointment takes center stage.  That disappointment leads to thinking you’ve failed and then quitting on your intended goal.

Ask Yourself the Hard Questions

First and foremost, be honest with yourself, be willing to participle, and commit to your goals. Look at the previous month and decide on a few things in order to make changes.

  1. Find something you are proud of.  Focus on a positive outcome that happened during the month and build on it.  Did you get out of bed and move your body as you intended, but your nutrition fell short?  That’s okay!  Celebrate the wins and be proud of yourself.
  2. Look at what didn’t work.  Why could I not get into the groove with this intention?  What is something I need to do to make it happen that I’m not currently doing?
  3. Reevaluate your goals.  Is this goal a priority for me during this season of life?  Are my actions aligning with my priorities? Am I making excuses for not making this goal a priority?  Do I need to readjust and set a new goal?

So How Do We Move Forward?

Think about your answers above.  It’s okay to realize that the goals we set just don’t fit into our current lifestyle.  It’s okay to realize that the excuses we make for why we are not progressing means it’s time to switch gears.  Sometimes moving forward with new goals (or the same goals) requires a different system or even a different mindset.  A few tips to consider :

  1. Start by creating ONE main goal for the next 30 days.  Stick with that goal until it becomes a healthy habit.
  2. Implement habit stacking (read more about habit stacking here).  Stack your current habit that you’ve created with a new goal.  In time, this goal will become a habit and you build on from there.
  3. Be consistent.  Results don’t happen in one week.  Sometimes results don’t happen in one month.  But you will see improvements from creating healthy habits that will end up with long term success.

Remember you can do anything, but you can’t do everything so narrowing and focusing one step at time will allow you to see positive results, create healthy habits, and achieve your goals throughout the year. If you are feeling stuck and frustrated with your overall health and wellness, join me for a FREE 5 day training that will teach you the difference between fat loss and weight loss, how to increase your energy, heal your gut, properly implement intermittent fasting into your diet, and how to get the results you’ve been waiting for.  Join now and get started on a living a healthier life that is sustainable and life long!  


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