How to Get Back Into Working Out

  • Posted on March 25, 2021 at 2:00 pm
Posted in Burn Fat and Feast
How to Get Back Into Working Out

Did you know that running for just 15 minutes a day can reduce feelings of depression by 26%? While running doesn’t have to be your exercise of choice, starting your workout journey back up can be an exciting, but overwhelming task. You’re likely a busy woman who has tried everything to get healthy, and has had nothing stick. You’re tired and sick of feeling bloated. But it doesn’t have to be this way. If you’re ready to fix your hormones, boost your metabolism, and feel sexy in your skin again— Burn Fat & Feast can provide you with the resources to do just that. Easily plan meals, follow easy workouts built for you, and even spend less time in the gym doing so. To get you back on track, we’ve compiled a list of ways to get back into working out. Here’s some tips on how to get back into working out after a period of rest:

  • Create a Plan
  • Set Realistic Goals
  • Stick to a Schedule
  • Start Out Slow
  • Incorporate Rest Days

Create a Plan

One of the first things to tackle when getting back into working out is your plan. Driving to the gym or a workout class is one thing, but understanding exactly what you will be targeting or working on is an important feat. Being clear with your intentions and creating a solid plan can help motivate your lifestyle changes. As you begin to create your plan, think about your habits, goals, and schedule and go from there. If you’re still unsure on where to begin, Burn Fat & Feast has the programs designed for busy women like you!

Set Realistic Goals

As you ease back into your workout routine, don’t forget to set realistic, attainable goals. Something that tends to deter women of any age group from getting back into shape is the unattainable goals mindset. When you set realistic goals based on your personal body, lifestyle and wants, you can set yourself up for long-term success. While you likely won’t begin to see results right away, you’re bound to begin feeling better and more confident. With personal realistic goals, you won’t feel jaded as you get back into working out. Embrace yourself with goals that suit you. Learn more about our success stories here at Burn Fat & Feast!

Stick to a Schedule

When you decide to regain control over your life by incorporating healthy changes, it’s important to stick to a schedule. Learn what works for you based on your realistic goals and workout plan. Then decide how this would best work with your schedule. If you work a 9-5 job, you may want to get a workout in before work. If you’re not an early riser, then after work might do the trick for you. Creating and sticking to a definitive schedule when it comes to getting healthy can play a huge role in the results you see and your motivation levels. When we are attempting to restart a habit, keeping up with it consistently is key. Our brains will pay attention to these new lifestyle changes and when you incorporate them into your day. The more closely you stick to your schedule, the easier your healthy lifestyle will become.

Start Out Slow

Once you’ve decided to get back into working out, it can be easy to jump right off the deep end. However, this isn’t always the best idea. If you’re someone who used to workout a lot, but haven’t in quite some time, your muscles will probably not be what they once were. Keep in mind that you are human and don’t need to be a machine. Start out slow. This will not only be beneficial to ease your body back into the gym, but can help you recognize little changes will make a difference overtime. Remind yourself to not get bogged down with immediate gratification. If you’re beginning to feel better inside, the results will show soon enough. With programs from companies such as Burn Fat & Feast, you can ensure you’re ready to begin your new lifestyle.

Incorporate Rest Days

As you get back into working out, remember that it is important to incorporate rest days. Like everyone, you have your limits and giving yourself breaks is important to your overall well being. Allow yourself a few days off from the gym to reset your body and mind. With your hectic schedule, giving yourself those much needed rest days will not get in the way of your healthy lifestyle changes. Rest days can often keep you excited about working out and getting back to your planned schedule. Be sure to incorporate days off when creating your original schedule and plan. If you do end up missing a gym day on accident, don’t beat yourself up! We are all only human. If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, want to feel sexy in your own skin, but feel like you’ve tried everything and are completely stuck— Burn Fat & Feast can help you get to where you want to be! Our customizable programs will help you gain back that sense of control over your body with easy-to-understand information about how and why you eat and move in a particular way and help you take daily action. If you’re ready to start seeing positive results, connect with us here at Burn Fat & Feast today!

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