How to Best Mentally Prepare Yourself for a Workout

  • Posted on March 15, 2021 at 1:40 pm
Posted in Burn Fat and Feast
How to Best Mentally Prepare Yourself for a Workout

While there can be so many benefits to getting regular exercise, 70% of physically active individuals report experiencing better sleep. As a busy woman, getting your beauty sleep is probably very important to you. Getting the rest you need can promote a healthier lifestyle and mindset. In order to feel your best self, moving your body becomes integral. If you’re someone who’s used to being a bit more timid in the gym or at a workout class, there are ways to mentally prepare yourself beforehand. At Burn Fat & Feast, we have the programs and resources you need to start looking and feeling better— at any age. As mental blocks can play a huge role in your physical fitness, mentally preparing yourself to workout can make or break your health journey. Here’s what you need to know about how to best mentally prepare yourself for a workout:

  • Focus on the Present Moment
  • Define Your Goals
  • Plan to Start Slow
  • Focus on You
  • Give Yourself a Break

Focus on the Present Moment

A great tool to mentally prepare yourself for a workout or your exercise journey is mindfulness meditation! Mindfulness meditation can be a valuable tool to help individuals remain in the present moment and regain control over their minds. Making sure you are present and attentive to your body, mind and needs is very important when it comes to living and practicing a healthy lifestyle. Mindfulness meditation is typically practiced while sitting down and remaining still. Using apps to guide you like Calm or Headspace can make this transition easier for you. A combination of deep breathing, relaxation and focused attention on the present moment, mindfulness can be beneficial in setting your workout intentions. Like your biceps, your brain is a muscle, and it can be trained to work for you so that you can lead a healthier overall life.

Define Your Goals

Not having clear, realistic goals before restarting your workout journey can be a major roadblock in getting your back to the gym. It’s no secret that motivation is the key to a better lifestyle. Identifying which areas of your life need to be refreshed and rejuvenated is key here. Your energy levels, weight and confidence can be influenced and affected by various factors. With this in mind, setting clear goals can help you see results much faster! Once you’ve identified your focus areas, you can have a clearer picture of where you want to begin.

Plan to Start Slow

Once you have an idea of where you hope to begin on your workout journey, be sure to start off slow. We as women can often get in our heads and expect to see results immediately after lifestyle changes. However, starting off slow can help keep you mentally in check. This will not only be beneficial to ease your body back into the gym, but can help you recognize little changes do make a difference. Understand that as much as you might want to put up another set of leg presses, your body will sometimes say no. With programs from companies such as Burn Fat & Feast, you can ensure you’re ready to begin your new lifestyle. Learn more about our success stories here at Burn Fat & Feast!

Focus on You

One of the biggest things to remember when getting back into the health game is that everyone is different. Be sure to remind yourself to focus on you and not anyone else. If you’re starting your health journey with friends or family members, it can be very easy to compare results or motivation levels. Learning to focus on you can help keep you sane and excited to stay healthy. Self-care is extremely important for women everywhere, and working out and eating well can be intimidating enough. When you focus on your own personal goals and results you can better mentally prepare yourself to stick to your plan. Who knows, you may even end up inspiring others to take the same path.

Give Yourself a Break

Remember that you are not a robot, but a human being with limits! Along with setting realistic goals, giving yourself breaks is important too. Whether you allow yourself some cheat meals or a few days off from the gym, creating days of rest is a good way to reset your body and mindset. Hectic schedules, vacations and even other mental health issues can get in the way of your healthy lifestyle. Remind yourself that this is okay. As it is sometimes said, you’re only as strong as your mental condition. Preparing yourself for a workout or a healthier lifestyle can be done by allowing yourself the time to rest. With these tips and tricks, you’ll be able to set yourself up for success in the gym, kitchen and beyond. If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, want to feel sexy in your own skin, but feel like you’ve tried everything and are completely stuck— Burn Fat & Feast can help you get to where you want to be! Our customizable programs will help you gain back that sense of control over your body with easy-to-understand information about how and why you eat and move in a particular way and help you take daily action. If you’re ready to start seeing positive results, connect with us here at Burn Fat & Feast today!

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