Burn Fat Participant Feature: Lauren Graves

  • Posted on September 20, 2017 at 11:05 am
Posted in Burn Fat and Feast
Burn Fat Participant Feature: Lauren Graves

We will be featuring some of our past participants of the Burn Fat & Feast and Elite programs. We want to celebrate and share these amazing women with everyone. They have worked so hard on their journey to a healthy lifestyle! Today we are featuring Lauren. Read this Q&A about Lauren's fitness goals and how she tackled them!  

Q&A with Lauren Graves

Tell us a little about you, where you live, children, occupation, etc. My name is Lauren Graves and I live in Franklin, TN (born and raised). I have been married for 4.5 years to my husband Philip and we have a sweet 3 year old little girl (Finley). I am a full time working mom as I work for a large Pharmaceutical company as a Senior Sales Specialty Consultant.


  Describe your nutrition before starting the Burn Fat and Feast program.

My nutrition before starting the Burn Fat and Feast went through the peaks and valleys that most adults struggle with I would guess.  

Describe your fitness routine before starting the Burn Fat and Feast program.

I have always loved working out/exercise and that was always important in my daily life. I also would say I loved to “eat socially” and loved most foods. Like I said I considered myself a workout queen so I just figured by burning those calories at the gym meant I could eat them as well (but was always a yo-yo effect with weight loss and gain)….I needed something that was a MINDSET and added consistency into my daily life.  

What made you decide to join this program?

My story on the “How” and “Why” I wanted to try BFF is a little different from most (and I love that everyone has a story of their own). My husband and I were blessed with our sweet Finley when we had decided we wanted to start a family (little trying involved which we were blessed with). When Finly was almost 1 we started trying for another baby. After 6 months my OB suggested we go to the fertility specialists to see about some testing. (Due to our ages considered on the older side of things). We were soon diagnosed with unexplained secondary infertility. We underwent multiple fertility procedures (IVF, injections, etc) and ended up having multiple miscarriages. After almost 2 years of medicines, injections, surgeries, and still no baby we decided we tried our best to have another baby but it just wasn't in Gods plans for our family. During this fertility journey my body was put through the ringer to say it lightly. I gained almost 20 pounds and emotionally I was drowning. I knew it was time for me to get back to my old self who was confident, healthy, and happy. That’s when I was READY to start my new journey after fertility and onto a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE that would benefit me and my family.  

How do you feel now that you have graduated?

Now that I have graduated from both BFF and Elite BFF I feel amazing. The mindset to be healthy and live a healthy life has brought me back to the Lauren I knew before the struggles of fertility. Back to loving to workout, enjoying time with my family and friends, and knowing how to be successful with food prep and making healthy choices on a daily basis.  

Share with us 2 successes, things you learned or what your biggest takeaways were upon completion.

1. ITS all about your MINDSET. Mindset sets you up for failure or success!! If you think you will fail – you will. If you believe in yourself and making changes to your MINDSET you will succeed.

2. This program holds you ACCOUNTABLE!! I love that I have a group of women who all are looking for the same thing (healthy lifestyle) and are so open in sharing and encouraging you along your journey. Yes you will have bad days but you just jump back on track and get your MINDSET back to continue on with your journey.  


Lauren, thanks again for participating in the Burn Fat & Feast and Elite programs. We are so proud of you, and we hope your successes will inspire others to begin their fitness journey! To learn more about the Burn Fat & Feast program, CLICK HERE Save

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