8 Tips to Ease the Summer to School Transition

  • Posted on August 30, 2021 at 2:30 pm
Posted in Burn Fat and Feast
8 Tips to Ease the Summer to School Transition

School is back in session and our relaxed summer schedules have come to an end.  It's time for early morning routines, after school activities, and lots of homework to occupy our daily lives.  So how do we create more time in our week and prepare for the busyness ahead?  Below are 8 tips to ease the summer to school transition.

1. Have a Conversation.

Communication is such a vital piece to set the foundations for a good transition.  Start by setting expectations to fulfill each family members wants and needs.  Set boundaries for what is expected and make sure everyone is on the same page.

2. Set Your Ideal Weekly Schedule

Look and plan for your week ahead.  Schedule time each week to plan what you want or need to get accomplished in a day.  What does your realistic, yet ideal week look like?  If you want time alone, plan for it.  If you want to meet a friend for lunch, put it in your calendar.  Being aware of what is ahead helps you stay on track and be prepared.

3. Use a Batching Process

Batch similar tasks together to get them done at once.  This will save you from bouncing back and forth and running all over the place.  A batch process can help you save the most time when tackling a long to do list each day.  Learn to delegate tasks to save time as well.  Have your groceries delivered, automate bill paying or even monthly necessities like toilet paper or other common household items you use regularly.

4. Limit Time Online


How much time are you spending on your devices?  Scrolling social media and staring at our phones can cause hours of wasted productivity.  Set some boundaries.  Take apps like Facebook and Instagram off your phone so you won't be tempted.  Set your phone to only allow a set amount of time each day you can be on it.  Another great tip is to turn your phone on airplane mode so you can work focused and without interruptions.

5. Help Teach Your Teens How to Manage Their Time

Time management is a life skill that we all have to learn.  More importantly we need to be able to teach our children AND be role models.  Sit down at the beginning of each week to review your child's schedule.  Teach them how to manage their time by talking through priorities and responsibilities of their day.  When they know what's on their agendas, they will learn how to create time to get everything done.

6. Go to Bed

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Sleep is crucial and a major priority to our overall health and wellness.  We need at least 7 hours of sleep a night and there is no badge of honor for getting a few hours of shut eye everyday.  Prioritize sleep over dishes in the sink or unfolded laundry.  Stuff will get done but sleep is a MUST.  Be sure to read our recent blog post about the benefits of sleep for better health.

7. Get Comfortable Saying No

If you are constantly saying yes to everything then you are saying no to something else and that something else could be way more important.   Saying yes to staying up late means you are saying no to quality sleep and feeling good the next day.  Saying no is a life skill and we can't say yes to everything.  Be sure to think about what you say yes to and if it's worth the no you are saying to something else.

8, Plan Your Next Day

Plan out your day the night before.  Just as you plan out your week, looking at the day ahead is essential to being ready once your feet hit the ground. Communicate with your family about what is happening, how it is getting done, and even who is doing it.  Talking and involving everyone is crucial to success. For more details, tune into my LIVE video for more information. Are you currently implementing any of this tips in your weekly planning?  If not, which tip will you start with this week?    

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