4 Ways to Achieve Your Wellness Goals During COVID-19

  • Posted on June 9, 2020 at 3:20 pm
Posted in Burn Fat and Feast
4 Ways to Achieve Your Wellness Goals During COVID-19

Remember those fitness goals you set at the beginning of 2020? Maybe it was to lose 20 pounds, drop a pant size, or gain muscle strength. You had high hopes at the beginning of January. Now, at the beginning of June--in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic--you realize all your good intentions to make positive changes this year have gone out the door. I’m here to tell you there is still hope! While most people find themselves with the same wellness goals year after year, you can achieve yours, even during the pandemic. As the founder of Burn Fat and Feast--an online wellness program for women--I am excited to share with you four tips to consider and mistakes to avoid in order to achieve your fitness goals this year.


1. Stop Doing Excessive Cardio

Excessive cardiovascular work is wasting your time when it comes to achieving your fitness goals. While you may think it is the most effective way to burn fat, doing multiple hours of cardio throughout the week is not changing your body composition. During the COVID-19 pandemic, exercise rates have skyrocketed, with more people taking advantage of the free time, fending off a COVID-19 weight gain, and trying to play catch up on their fitness goals. Are you one of them? While it is a good idea to move your body and enjoy time in the fresh air, you don’t want to slip into the habit of doing an excessive amount of cardio. Doing so can actually break down your body and cause increased injuries. When I was in my 20s, I did pageants, during which I was told I needed to do two to four hours of cardiovascular exercise every single day. And I did it. The results? I was heavier with more body fat than I am now in my 40’s, doing as little cardio work as possible. Cardiovascular exercise itself is not bad for you; in fact, it is beneficial for heart health. However, excessive cardio is not going to help you decrease your body fat and tone your muscles. Plus, two hours of cardio every day is not sustainable or enjoyable for the majority of us. The good news is you don’t have to do it to achieve your fitness goals. More is not always better. Be smart about how you exercise and stop doing excessive cardio.


2. Stop Under-Eating

Raise your hand if you have under-eaten. Keep it raised if you are under-eating now in the midst of COVID-19. In an attempt to lose weight, many women turn to under-eating and live in a caloric deficit, consuming only 1,000-1,200 calories per day. Are you one of them? I’ve been there, but now I eat between 2,000 and 2,500 calories a day. *Jaw drops* “But don’t you need to eat less calories if you want to burn fat and lose weight?” This is a question I get asked a lot, and my answer (excitedly) is “nope!” If you are only eating 1,000 to 1,200 calories a day, you are living in deprivation. This is doing more damage to your body than anything else, and it will not help you achieve your wellness goals because your body is in starvation mode. Because of this, your body is actually holding tightly to the excess fat you are trying to lose because it is starving for nutrition. Instead, eat more! Eat nutritious foods and feed your body well. Living in deprivation is no way to live, and--good news--you don’t have to live that way to achieve your wellness goals.


3. Let Your Body Heal Itself

Have you heard that eating small meals throughout the day is the most effective way to lose weight? I have. But I have also done extensive research that shows why this is not true. Have you found yourself visiting the refrigerator more often since being home due to the COVID-19 pandemic? While it can be tempting to snack throughout the day, doing so is actually sabotaging your fat loss goals and leaving you with “brain fog.” Your body can only do one thing at a time: digest food or heal itself; it can’t do both simultaneously. If your goal is to increase your focus and energy while balancing your hormones, you need to allow your body time to heal itself. You can’t expect physical change in your body without healing your gut and food mindset first. One of the most effective ways to do this is with intermittent fasting (IF). I recommend IF for most women because, when done properly, intermittent fasting can help you achieve hormone balance, an increased metabolism, and fat loss. But not all intermittent fasting is created equal. For example, intermittent fasting is not simply skipping breakfast. This is one of the biggest misconceptions and is often why women feel like this type of eating schedule is not effective. By properly implementing an IF plan--like I have for five years now--you will allow your body to heal while still getting the nutrients you need and achieving your wellness goals. If you are interested in learning more about IF Check out my free video series,  The Ultimate Guide to Intermittent Fasting For Women.


4. Eat Carbohydrates

Last but not least is the best wellness tip of them all: eat your carbohydrates! Yes, I said it--loud and clear for those of you who have been avoiding carbs throughout the COVID-19 pandemic in hopes of fighting off weight gain. I can’t tell you how many decades I spent depriving myself of the wonderful food group of carbohydrates. If I could take it back and eat all those carbs, I definitely would. Eating carbohydrates aids in mental clarity. And some research has even linked living in a carbohydrate deficiency to a short life-span (yikes). Simply put, living without carbs is not healthy and, most importantly, it is not fun: can I get an “Amen?” You can eat carbs and still lose weight. Thousands of women have done it and are actively doing it now through my Burn Fat and Feast program.


Achieve Your Wellness Goals Now with Burn Fat and Feast

Even though the COVID-19 pandemic may have disrupted your fitness routine, it is not too late to get motivated and achieve your wellness goals for the year. There is no better time than now to start Burn Fat and Feast, an online fitness program created specifically for women over 35. You will learn how to stay motivated during COVID-19 and beyond, achieve your fitness goals, eat to heal your body, and get that daily burn. Are you ready to get back on track to achieving your wellness goals?   Learn more about Burn Fat and Feast and how you can join today!

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