Burn Fat & FEAST


How To Lose Weight for Good

Posted on

September 13, 2017

1:00 am


If you are a woman age 35 or older and want to know how to lose weight, listen up! It is no secret that you need to increase your metabolism to see and feel results, but do you know what type of exercise you should AVOID to rev up your metabolism? Not all exercises are good for you. In fact, current research has proven one particular exercise that many women use to lose weight actually wears down your metabolism, accelerates aging and stops your body from releasing fat! It is time to relearn how to lose weight as we age.

Here are some facts:
  • After the age of 35, your body is less able to handle stressful exercise.
  • Your body changes hormonally, and you gain weight more easily.
  • You begin to lose MUSCLE, which makes you less tone.
How to lose weight:

The solution is NOT to kill yourself in the gym, hour after hour, as this is counterproductive. I know it sounds odd to say, but what is holding your weight loss goals back is simple…LONG, SLOW CARDIO! This form of exercise is actually doing your body more harm than good.

Cardio Kills Your Thyroid

Your thyroid controls your metabolism. When it is healthy, it is warm, and calories are burned as a result. When your thyroid isn’t healthy, you feel cold and tired, and your metabolism slows to a screeching halt. Too much cardio places stress on your thyroid, causing it to become sluggish. This is why you need to know how to exercise the right way to increase metabolism.

Cardio Increases Cortisol

Cortisol is your stress hormone. Increases in cortisol, in turn, increase fat storage because your body is over-stressed. Hundreds of studies remind us that elevated cortisol is linked to increased abdominal fat. We will stop there before I lose you on all the technical terms…

Metabolic Rate is Critical When Learning How to Lose Weight

Your basal metabolic rate accounts for 75% of the calories you burn daily, and interestingly enough, exercise only accounts for about 10% of your total calories. The ONLY way to increase your basal metabolic rate is to add lean body mass (muscle!). Cardio has NO positive impact on your muscle mass. We know that less muscle means a lower metabolic rate and fewer calories burned … so yes, it IS true – muscle burns more than fat, and this is also one of the reasons men seem to have an easier time maintaining their weight.

If your goal is to learn how to lose weight long term, exercising more and eating less is NOT the answer?

Adhering to this “old school” way of thinking will drop your metabolic rate, decrease muscle mass, increase cortisol (stress hormone), and pack on belly fat. Even though it may not be a conventional way of thinking in the wellness world (at least not publicly), I’ve researched and tested the approach I’m about to share with you. It has worked so well for HUNDREDS of my online clients, and it WILL work for you, as long as you follow the program. In the 7-week online BURN FAT AND FEAST PROGRAM, we discuss smart, short, effective workouts that will truly change your body composition. You will learn how to utilize simple and effective nutrition into your schedule for optimal results. You will likely eat more, since most women walk around in a calorie deficit, work out less, AND create a stronger, leaner body.

This Program is NOT for you if:
  • You want to keep those extra pounds.
  • You want to spend hours away from your family each week.
  • You enjoy being hungry day in and day out.
  • You do not have an open mindset on decreasing your long form cardio.
  • You are not willing to work out hard for a short period of time.
This Program IS for YOU if:
  • You want to learn how to lose weight and maintain it for a lifetime.
  • You want to create more hours in your day.
  • You want to eat your favorite foods.
  • You want to work out for only 20-30 minutes a day.
  • You want to become a fat-burning machine.
  • You are willing to change your current exercise routine.
  • You want to live your healthiest life possible.

  Take a look at some of the most recent BURN FAT AND FEAST TESTIMONIALS and look over our FAQs about the Burn Fat and FEAST Program.   The BURN FAT AND FEAST ONLINE PROGRAM is ready when you are! Once you register, you will immediately be connected to our online community with daily support and motivation as well as our online trainings, nutrition plans, recipes and workouts.  

Not sure if you are ready to take the plunge just yet? We have created a Fat Burning Guide to help jumpstart your efforts today. 

[button link=”https://burnfatandfeast.com/fat-burning-guide/” type=”icon” color=”teal” newwindow=”yes”] Download Your Fat Burning Guide HERE[/button]  

Ready to join us in the Burn Fat and FEAST Community and start living your best life?

[button link=”https://burnfatandfeast.com/burn-fat-and-feast/” type=”icon” color=”teal” newwindow=”yes”] Register for Burn Fat and FEAST[/button]  

Are you ready to achieve permanent weight-loss? It doesn't have to be has hard as it sounds. Find out how you can meet your weight-loss goals and have permanent success without killing yourself in the gym or following strict diets. #healthandfitness #weightloss IMG_3593                     

        Jenny H Before & After    how to lose weight for good       Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save


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