Valentine's Day Healthy Sweet Treat for Your Love

  • Posted on February 6, 2018 at 4:50 pm
Posted in Burn Fat and Feast
Valentine's Day Healthy Sweet Treat for Your Love

Valentine's Day is traditionally a great excuse to indulge in a sweet treat...or two...or...well you know how it goes. Those chocolates start looking so lonely in that pretty heart shaped box, don't they? When my husband and I were dating, I told him right before Valentine's Day that first year, "Valentine's Day is stupid. Why do we need another reason to overindulge in treats, and by the way, we should tell each other we love one another EVERY day". Yes, it was a little bit of a rant and I wasn't even a fitness professional then,

peanut butter cups 

simply a child who had overcome weight and emotional eating issues in the past. So guess what, my husband NEVER buys me chocolate for Valentine's Day and he actually rarely gets me anything on this day of love. Way back when we were in those dating years, I started making him dinner for Valentine's which was way more fun than a card and chocolate. Once we married, we tried our hand in creating fun but somewhat healthy, desserts for this occasion. Over the years, only a few have remained in a rotation. The recipe I'm sharing with you below is a crowd pleaser at our house which is now full of us plus 3 young children. Enjoy this Valentines' Day Healthy Sweet Treat and remember to spread your love EVERY day. The recipe below uses Chocolate Vegan Shakeology superfood meal replacement. We love it in this recipe for all the added vitamins, minerals and probiotics. Order your 30 day supply here and incorporate it into your sweet treats AND daily nutrition.

Healthy Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups
Recipe Type: Healthy Sweet Treat
Cuisine: dessert
Author: Sarah B Thomas
Prep time:
Total time:
Serves: 12 mini cups
These chocolate peanut butter cups are simply divine! If you love Reese's Cups, you will most definitely LOVE this healthy version.
  • 1/2c coconut oil
  • 1c powdered peanut butter
  • 1 scoop chocolate shake powder (we use Shakeology for a superfood boost)
  • mini cup liners (about 12)
  1. melt 1/2c coconut oil with 1c powdered peanut butter on low heat and set aside
  2. mix 1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology with water until it is a pudding like consistency
  3. pour a little chocolate Shakeology mixture in bottom of mini cup liners
  4. place a dime size amount of peanut butter mixture on top of the chocolate
  5. top with a little more chocolate Shakeology mixture
  6. place in the freezer for about 30 min
  7. store in the refrigerator for melt in your mouth goodness.
  8. Clean, healthy, yum! Share with your loved ones. SO delicious!

  Did you know that eating dark chocolate (and especially something like Shakeology that has superfoods inside) is good for your gut health and metabolism? Can I get an Amen? Looking for more tips to increase your metabolism, balance your hormones and increase fat loss? [button link="" type="big" color="teal" newwindow="yes"] Download the Metabolism and Hormone Checklist[/button] We love hearing from you. Comment below and tell us about your favorite "healthier" Valentine's treat. Save

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