Progress Over Perfection

  • Posted on May 2, 2017 at 4:55 pm
Posted in Burn Fat and Feast
Progress Over Perfection


Last week I was honored to be on a vacation get-a-way in the Dominican with my husband, Mike. I was gifted this trip by Beachbody, a company I partner with in health and fitness. It was our 3rd time in Punta Cana and it was a much-needed relaxing adult trip.

The weather was a warm 85 degrees, mostly sunny, white sandy beaches with that gorgeous turquoise water all around us, beautiful pools and delicious food throughout our resort. It was the first time since last August that I had put on a bathing suit. In years past, I would have tried on every one as well as my clothing choices before we left, but this trip I simply put everything in my bag and was off to Punta Cana. 

This time I wasn't concerned about how my clothes and bathing suit fit nor whether they actually fit at all. I was confident that everything would fit as well as last year. Although I have had a history over the last 2 decades of gaining and losing weight and over exercising, for the past 3 years, my weight and size have gone down and the best part is, I have maintained it. 

Mike snapped this quick photo of me at the pool on our trip last week. There are a few things I love about it. 

  1. It's a quick photo
  2. It isn't posed
  3. I'm not turned to the side so you see the "slimmest angle"
  4. I'm not flexing or sucking in
  5. My hands and arms are natural rather than on my hips 
  6. There's no filter on the photo
  7. It shows ME, flaws and all 


My favorite part of this picture though isn't at all something you can see physically, it's how I feel. Rather than lacking self-confidence and being concerned with who may see a dimple in my legs or a roll on my belly, I was confident in my own skin. I was confident not because I'm more in shape now than any other time, because let's be clear, I will be 40 this year and things sit differently as you age ? Although, through my Burn Fat and Feast program, I have gained an entirely different mindset. I have a growth mindset. I no longer question my abilities or worry with outside opinions. I believe I can be and do whatever I set out to do. I have taken control of my nutrition and gained freedom over my choices. I do not slave away for hours in the gym everyday or punish my body for poor food choices. 

Last week I arrived in Punta Cana feeling strong, healthy and in control and I left feeling even better. Again, let me be clear here...I ate well, indulged in treats as well as alcohol and rested way more than I typically do. I did not come home regretting my choices or feeling bloated. This is exactly why I created Burn Fat and Feast; I needed a solution, I lifestyle which I could maintain whether at home or on vacation. I indulged and came home feeling refreshed and actually smaller than when I arrived on our trip. 

The Burn Fat and Feast program is NOT a diet, it's a way of life. It is NOT about weight loss, it's about maintaining a mindset. It is NOT about depriving, it's about living. It is NOT about perfection, it's about progress. Burn Fat and Feast is freeing in every aspect of your life. It has a little to do with fitness and nutrition and much more to do with changing the way you think and feel about you; learning to love yourself and becoming the best YOU. 

The week after vacation is no longer a time of guilt or regret. I simply keep moving forward with this lifestyle and begin to plan our next vacation feeling energized and strong. If you are tired of stopping and starting and the yo-yo of after vacation bloat, it is time for a change. You deserve to feel better year-round. 

I invite you to join our next FREE 5 Days to Burning Fat and Increasing Energy Training group. You will learn how to create a positive, growth mindset, free yourself from food, work smarter not harder, the difference between fat loss and weight loss and be surrounded by a community of women learning beside you, motivating and encouraging you every step of the way.

Register for the next FREE group HERE.

For more information on the Burn Fat and FEAST program, CLICK HERE.

Questions? Email us at

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