Burn Fat Participant Feature: Kelly Hanley

  • Posted on April 11, 2017 at 9:10 am
Posted in Burn Fat and Feast
Burn Fat Participant Feature: Kelly Hanley

We will be featuring some of our past participants of the Burn Fat & Feast and Elite programs. We want to celebrate and share these amazing women with everyone. They have worked so hard on their journey to a healthy lifestyle! Today we are featuring Kelly. Read this Q&A about Kelly's fitness goals and how she tackled them!  

Q&A with Kelly Hanley

Tell us a little about you, where you live, children, occupation, etc.

I am a 36 year old wife and mommy of two small kids, ages 5 and 2.5.  I live in Brentwood, TN and I'm a pilot for Southwest Airlines.  

Describe your nutrition before starting the Burn Fat and Feast program.

I travel every week with my job which can make nutrition and even workouts challenging.  

Describe your fitness routine before starting the Burn Fat and Feast program.

I was moderately active, and was trying to make healthy food choices.  

What made you decide to join this program ?

I decided to give Burn, Fat, And Feast a try because I wasn't really seeing results with what I had been doing to try to lose about 5 pounds that just wouldn't go away.

  How do you feel now that you have graduated?

After joining BF&F, I learned that what I had thought was healthy really wasn't as good as I thought.  I've also learned that eating a diet of the right kind of foods, you'll actually be stuffed and struggle to get in your daily calorie goal.  Since I completed the first program of BF&F, I have lost those pesky 5 lbs that I was unable to lose on my own.  I feel less bloated, have more energy, and overall just feel better.  

Share with us 2 successes, things you learned or what your biggest takeaways were upon completion.

One of the most surprising things I learned from BF&F was that I actually came to enjoy the fasting.  When I first learned about the intermittent fasting, I was really reluctant to even try it.  However, I decided to go all in since I signed up for the program, and I love how I feel after fasting.  There are moments that can be difficult, but once done you really feel good.  I also have personally been very intrigued by all the science regarding intermittent fasting and the health benefits that result in incorporating it into your diet.  I personally also LOVE feast day!  I don't think at this stage for me personally I could mentally commit to this diet change without knowing I will get a day to eat whatever I want.  However, that said, I have noticed that my stomach doesn't always love feast day like I do.  It reiterates the need and desire to eat healthy and make good food choices during the week.
I do still sometimes struggle with food options while traveling.  However, being equipped with more knowledge and better information allows me to make the best choice I can make.  This is still a work in progress for me and while I don't always get it right on days I'm trying to do well, I know that I can pick back up and start again the next meal or day.  I am grateful for the things I've learned and look forward to carrying it through once completed.

Kelly, thanks again for participating in the Burn Fat & Feast and Elite programs.

Kelly Hanley  

We are so proud of you, and we hope your successes will inspire others to begin their fitness journey! To learn more about the Burn Fat & Feast program, CLICK HERE. Save

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