Burn Fat Participant Feature: Courtney Wright

  • Posted on April 7, 2017 at 9:40 am
Posted in Burn Fat and Feast
Burn Fat Participant Feature: Courtney Wright

We will be featuring some of our past participants of the Burn Fat & Feast and Elite programs. We want to celebrate and share these amazing women with everyone. They have worked so hard on their journey to a healthy lifestyle! Today we are featuring Courtney. Read this Q&A about Courtney's fitness goals and how she tackled them!  

Q&A with Courtney Wright

Tell us a little about you, where you live, children, occupation, etc.

I live in Nashville with my husband and two children and I am a speech language pathologist.  

Describe your nutrition before starting the Burn Fat and Feast program.

I always thought we ate healthy-ish. We always had well rounded dinners. Lunches were usually sandwiches, salads or leftovers, and breakfast was usually oatmeal, eggs or cereal. Snacks and treats were definitively my nemesis. Looking back, I'm pretty sure I mostly snacked on simple carbs and too many healthy fats. I would never turn down a donut, homemade breads, muffins or candies at work. Lots of cracker type things and nuts. All in all it wasn't bad, just in not-ideal ratios or just too much. Plus the simple carbs meant I was hungry all the time.  

Describe your fitness routine before starting the Burn Fat and Feast program.

I was going to the gym 2-4 times per week, but with no real goal.  

What made you decide to join this program?

I needed a change. I've always wondered what I was capable of. I had really good success with past accountability groups and I was ready for some new information!  

How do you feel now that you have graduated?

I feel amazing. I can't believe the changes that I've made. I've recently reached some great milestones at the gym: my first pull-up, doing multiple pushups not on my knees, new PRs in weight lifting. I feel so motivated to keep going.  

Share with us 2 successes, things you learned or what your biggest takeaways were upon completion.

The biggest takeaways for me were about my macros and why I need to pay attention to them. I would look at labels and gauge calories and fat grams, but what really started to sink in was the % of calories from fat. I've noticed this especially around dinner when I'd make what appears to be healthy meat and veggies, but then the olive oil would dominate the calorie count and through my macros out of wack. I realized very quickly I could not have olive oil, nuts, and avocado in one day! Fats are necessary, but they add up quickly!!
I have also been so amazed at how my sweet tooth has diminished by eliminating starchy, simple carbs. I feel so full and satisfied when my macros are in order
I have also found it easier to be successful by eliminating gluten as a category. I don't have a sensitivity, but things with gluten often have lots of empty carbs and sugars in them, so its easier for me to avoid breads, crackers, etc by saying I'm avoiding gluten.
Fasting has taught me patience and will power. I am not going to starve. I don't need to shovel anything and everything in my face when I feel hungry. When I'm not fasting and I feel hungry, I can stay calm, not panic, and take the time to make a good choice.
FEAST day is a game changer. I used to think a little piece of toast and butter or chocolate here and there was not a big deal, but it adds up! Its for sure a slippery slope, for me, that quickly turns into new bad habits of a toast and butter every morning, a few squares of dark chocolate after lunch everyday and a small bowl of ice cream after dinner everyday. FEAST day is a reward to refuel. Its funny now how my FEAST day resembles my old "healthyish" habits and isn't as much a splurge as I thought it would be :)
Meal prepping has changed my life. The weeks I can't/don't do it, I feel lost. Pre-planning the macros is necessary... unless you like eating a plateful of egg whites after dinner... which I have done on multiple occasions.

Courtney, thanks again for participating in the Burn Fat & Feast and Elite programs. We are so proud of you, and we hope your successes will inspire others to begin their fitness journey! To learn more about the Burn Fat & Feast program, CLICK HERE. Save

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