Burn Fat and Feast Program FAQ

  • Posted on March 17, 2017 at 11:15 am
Posted in Burn Fat and Feast
Burn Fat and Feast Program FAQ

If I am already a member of a gym and doing regular classes, or if I am meeting with a personal trainer, can I just continue with my current workouts, and use your food cycle?

My honest answer to this question is: If what you are currently doing was working extremely well, you wouldn't be looking into my program.If you were seeing incredible results, and were truly passionate about your current lifestyle, you would not be searching for other solutions.
My program is designed to work as a whole. I pair our nutritional cycle with our workouts, because that is what gets the very best results.  It is absolutely critical that we are fueling our bodies for our workouts, and teaching them how to burn fat instead of glucose throughout the day. If you belong to a gym, participating in Yoga, group fitness classes, Barre, etc. then I highly recommend you do my workouts for the first few weeks. I definitely want you to keep doing workouts you love, so I am all for you adding yours in. However, it is important that we discuss what you are doing, so that we can make sure your food cycle is matched accordingly. If you are working with a personal trainer, I would obviously want you to continue with that, but again would have you look at your food cycle to ensure you are eating the right amount on the days you are working out!

Is it okay to participate in Burn Fat and Feast if I am breastfeeding?

Yes! However, there are some things we may need to modify. Throughout the program we will listen to your body, and continually keep an eye on your milk supply, but when you eat the foods God intended for you to eat, you won't see a decrease in milk supply. He's designed our bodies intentionally, so fueling them well will not affect that.

Do I need to purchase any shakes or supplements to participate in this program?

No! Throughout the program we will talk about the importance of probiotics, protein and other supplements like BCAA's. While I am happy to share the products I use and love, none of them are required to participate. I am a huge proponent of fueling your body with real food, and this program is based on that premise. Nothing is required but hard work, commitment and positivity.

Am I a good fit for this program?

This program is for women (and occasionally men) and has been incredibly successful for women who have a foundation of working out and under 60 pounds to lose.
If you have more than 60 pounds to lose and have not worked out in a long time, then we can make the program work for you, but it will require some modifying. If that's you, I will have you start with our nutritional cycle then ease you into our workouts. I truly want you to see results, but I also want you to be safe and remain injury free. So, if you have more than 60 pounds to lose, we will move a little more slowly. If you have 100+ pounds to lose, we will need to start you somewhere else. If that's you, then yay for you wanting to live a healthier lifestyle, and please feel free to email me to set up a consult, so we can find you the perfect starting point!

What does a typical day look like in terms of food?

Every day is different in the Burn Fat and Feast program which is why it works long term. We focus on tracking our macros rather than tracking every calorie we put in our mouths. Regardless of the varied days, we always eat our macronutrients (protein, fat and carbs). We ensure our bodies get what it needs for optimum performance so lean protein in meats, carbohydrates in fruits, veggies and grains and healthy fats in nuts, avocado and oils are key.



Aren't you hungry throughout the day?

No! I eat extremely well during my eating window. In fact, I consume more calories than most people on traditional diets, eating several meals a day. I typically eat around 2,000 calories a day. My diet is heavy in protein and healthy fats, so I am satiated after each of my meals. In addition, I cycle my carbs to correspond with my workouts, so my body is getting all of the macronutrients it needs at the right times. I personally love that this lifestyle allows me to have my favorite treats each week too. I don't spend my days hungry, but I do have more energy than I've ever had in my life!

Is this program complicated?

No! I walk you through the process step by step. Each day and each week, you will learn something new. I not only tell you what to do and what to eat, but tell you the why behind it. Learning to count macros takes a bit of practice, but after a week or two, this kind of lifestyle will become second nature. In fact, this type of lifestyle allows for flexibility and helps you feel in control of the foods you are eating. I promise you, this way of living is not as scary as it sounds! It has truly revolutionized my life, and the lives of hundreds of my clients. You can read more about their testimonials here: http://refinedlifefitness.com/testimonials-2/

I'm not good with math. What do you mean I will "track my macros"?

No worries! There's no math involved. You will simply enter your food in an app and the app will calculate everything for you.

What are macros?

Macronutrients are the 3 things our bodies need to function optimally every day; they are protein, fats and carbohydrates.

Can I eat like this forever?

Absolutely!! My hope is that you walk away from this 6 weeks (or 12 weeks if you continues to the ELITE program) feeling confident to use this daily and tweak it to fit your lifestyle during vacations, holidays and beyond.

What kind of results will I see?

Although I can't guarantee a certain amount of weight loss or inches, women who follow my program lose on average 10 pounds and 10-15 inches.
More than that, they walk away feeling renewed with a new outlook on food.

I will be on vacation during this program. Should I start another time? 

I highly recommend you start now! There's no time like the present and let's be honest, there's never a "perfect" time in life anyway. I have found clients who begin and have a trip planned during the program actually learn "real world" experiences and triggers quickly. this gives us time to talk through them and troubleshoot moving forward.

What does the cost include?

The Burn Fat and Feast Program website page has all the information you need. You will have forever access to the workouts moving forward as well. I'm happy to schedule a phone consult with you at any time.
I hope this has been helpful to you if you are on the fence about joining my Burn Fat and Feast Program. My clients have truly seen amazing results, and I want you to be the next success story! In 2016, we had over 300 ladies go through this program with great success. I truly stand behind this program, and hope to help thousands of women get healthy, fit and strong in 2017...including you! Don't wait to sign up, my programs fill up quickly.
I was on Facebook Live earlier this month with all these FAQ answers as well. Feel free to watch the video here.

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