Best Fitness Gifts

  • Posted on November 15, 2017 at 2:40 pm
Posted in Burn Fat and Feast
Best Fitness Gifts

It's the most wonderful time of year!

  It truly is, but so often we have a million extra things piling on our to-do list, that we forget to simply stop and enjoy it. I'm guilty of this as much as the next person. As a mom of 3 children, an entrepreneur and a wife to an entrepreneur, the STRUGGLE IS REAL!   I have personally made it my mission the past few holidays to let some things go, say NO to things that aren't important and find ways to simplify our lives in order to enjoy every single moment. It's easier said than done though right? Small steps towards a stress free holiday will make a world of a difference though. Three years ago, I started this mission by beginning my holiday shopping in October. I began crossing items of my list early on. This not only put my mind at ease, it eased the burden of shopping when I would rather by with my kids in December and it was also easier on my wallet to spread it out!   Since then I've also implemented more and more online shopping. I can shop when my kids go to bed in my PJs, and the items are shipped straight to me, now that's a win! Each year I'm asked by my Burn Fat and FEAST clients to create a gift list for all things fitness related. Well, this year, we are releasing our FIRST ANNUAL Best Fitness Gifts guide. This guide is split up into fitness gear, fitness supplements and fitness programs and we are THRILLED to share it with you!   Now I'm not here to tell you how to use the guide...maybe you want some ideas for a friend or family member...or maybe you want to subtly give the guide to your spouse as a hint for what YOU really want this season. Either way, the 25 Best Fitness Gift Ideas guide will ease your shopping stress. We have also included direct clickable links to order want you yes, you can shop in your PJs too, you're welcome!   You can download the link to the guide below and certainly share this blog post with friends who may also need fitness gift ideas. Before you go, we would love your feedback. Please comment here and tell us if the guide was helpful to you this year.  

Most importantly, have a FUN holiday season. Say YES to the things that matter and NO to those that don't.  

Happiest holidays to you and yours!  


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