Burn Fat & FEAST


Burn Fat Participant Feature: Erica Parise

Posted on

April 7, 2017

9:30 am

We will be featuring some of our past participants of the Burn Fat & Feast and Elite programs. We want to celebrate and share these amazing women with everyone. They have worked so hard on their journey to a healthy lifestyle! Today we are featuring Erica. Read this Q&A about Erica’s fitness goals and how she tackled them!  

Q&A with Erica Parise

Tell us a little about you, where you live, children, occupation, etc.

I’m 37 years old from Pittsburgh, Pa. I am a nurse, wife, and mom to 2 rambunctious little boysenberry 2 and 4.  

Describe your nutrition before starting the Burn Fat and Feast program.

I have always considered myself a healthy person as exercise has been a huge part of my life from a young age dancing and twirling. When I was younger I was able to eat whatever I wanted. As I got older and had kids, I found that I was still eating this way and exercising, but not seeing any changes. Over the last year I even started to gain weight.  

What made you decide to join this program?

I was following Sarah in social media, she and I twirled together when we were younger. I decided I needed to make some sort of change so I reached out to her and signed up for the Burn Fat and Feast program that started right after the holidays, no better time than New Years’ resolutions, right?! I didn’t have high expectations because what I had been doing for so long had not been working.  But, I went all in and followed the program exactly as she had it laid out. A week and a half in, I was seeing changes in my belly and wasn’t feeling as bloated. In the first 6 weeks I lost 9 lbs and 12 inches. I was floored.

How do you feel now that you have graduated?

I continued right into the elite program to have the accountability and support.I lost another 7 lbs and 5 in and am now seeing muscle definition that wasn’t there before.  

Share with us 2 successes, things you learned or what your biggest takeaways were upon completion.

I think that the 2 biggest things I have learned from this program is how vital your nutrition is and that you can effectively workout with 30 min a day.
The program is easy to follow. Sarah takes it one day at a time so that you aren’t overwhelmed with the information. She gives you the research information behind it to make you understand how your body reacts to the nutrition as well as the exercise. I’m am now continuing this lifestyle on my own and Sarah has given me the tools to do so.

Erica, thanks again for participating in the Burn Fat & Feast and Elite programs. We are so proud of you, and we hope your successes will inspire others to begin their fitness journey! To learn more about the Burn Fat & Feast program, CLICK HERE. Save


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