Burn Fat & FEAST


Burn Fat Participant Feature: Mary Hyche

Posted on

July 5, 2017

8:15 am

We will be featuring some of our past participants of the Burn Fat & Feast and Elite programs. We want to celebrate and share these amazing women with everyone. They have worked so hard on their journey to a healthy lifestyle! We recently had the honor of interviewing Mary LIVE on Facebook. her interview is DEFINITELY worth the watch as she shares her struggles and successes along her continued wellness journey.

Q&A with Mary Hyche

Tell us a little about you, where you live, children, occupation, etc.

My name is Mary Hyche and I am 41 years old.  I live in Franklin Tn with my husband and 8 year old daughter.  I have known Sarah for years as I got the pleasure of taking care of her sweet girls at High Hopes development center  where I have worked for 13 years.  

Describe your nutrition before starting the Burn Fat and Feast program.

I have always thought that I ate pretty healthy until I really got into the burn fat and feast program.  I always had cereal or protein shake for breakfast.  For lunch I ate a sandwich, granola bar, raw veggies, and applesauce.  I was a creature of habit and ate the same thing for lunch and for dinner I had a meat, vegetable, and some sort of unhealthy carb.  

Describe your fitness routine before starting the Burn Fat and Feast program.

I loved to workout.  I would go to a classes 5 days a week and sometimes on the weekend I would do 2 classes in a row.  

What made you decide to join this program?

I had a co worker/friend  who had done the program and I was on the fence about it because I thought there was no way I could go gluten and dairy free.  When the May/June group came up she was doing it again so I thought I should give it a try because what I was doing was not working.  

How do you feel now that you have graduated?

I loved this program and could not believe how doable it is!  I love that the workouts are quick and that you can do them anywhere.  

Share with us 2 successes, things you learned or what your biggest takeaways were upon completion.

Two things I took away from this program was that working out fasted in the morning was fabulous and I loved having my workout done for the day and that how much eliminating dairy and gluten from your diet really makes your gut feel so good!  In completing this program I lost 6.5 pounds and 4.5 inches and now moving on to the elite group.  I promise you will not regret doing this.


In 12 weeks between Burn Fat and Feast and ELITE, she lost 14.25 inches and 8.5 pounds.

Mary, thanks again for participating in the Burn Fat & Feast and Elite programs. We are so proud of you, and we hope your successes will inspire others to begin their fitness journey! To learn more about the Burn Fat & Feast program, [button link=”https://burnfatandfeast.com?aff=MTJ” newwindow=”yes”] LEARN MORE[/button] Save


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