Burn Fat & FEAST


4 Ways to Get Fit in the New Year

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January 10, 2018

10:35 am

Whether your goal is to lose weight, gain muscle, finish a race, or climb that mountain, fitness probably plays a role in your new year’s resolution. A recent study found that only 8% of people actually keep their resolutions. 8%! In order to avoid being a part of the 92% of the population who lose their motivation around mid-February, create a game plan that will set you up for success for the long-haul, not just the next few weeks.
I know that some of you aren’t quite sure how to Dive into your 2018 wellness goals. It can be an overwhelming process with so much conflicting information all around you, but these tips are a perfect starting point whether you are ready to dive straight in or are looking to ease into wellness this year …so if any of those spoke to you, and your 2018 goals have anything to do with wellness, a plan of action is crucial to your success!
Here’s a facebook live of this blog if you would rather video format! Click here to follow my facebook page and view the video

1. Define a realistic goal.

Instead of saying, “I will work out more,” say, “I will work out x times a week on x days.”
  • Write out your goal where you can see it every day. Put a sign on your fridge, set reminders on your cell phone, keep a sticky note on your bathroom mirror.
  • You don’t have to run on the treadmill. Dancing, hiking, swimming, and even gardening or mowing the lawn are all forms of physical activity. Commit to a level of activity that works for you!
Instead of saying, “I will work out EVERY DAY,” set your goals to more realistic time periods.
  • If you’re not a morning person, don’t commit to those 6:00 AM workout session.
  • Set goals you’re more likely to follow, take a step back and set more reasonable goals. This will avoid failures and giving up altogether.


2. Choose activities that interest you & get connected.

  • Find something you enjoy! If you are dreading your workout, you are less likely to stick with it. Some people love to run on the treadmill, others enjoy trying new fitness classes or hiking in nature. If you like trying new fitness classes, some gyms offer free class trials, so use those to your advantage!
    • Keep in mind, you do not have to pay a fortune for a gym membership to get a great workout! Keep it simple at home if you want. For example, in BFF we only use dumbbells and our bodyweight for maximum benefit. No fancy gyms or equipment are necessary for success.
  • Create a support system. Accountability is crucial when working to maintain a fitness goal. Join a support group, fitness class, or just schedule time to meet a friend to workout. Accountability is truly the secret sauce though so find your community. if you are a part of our BFF community, I know you can attest to this. As a BFF member, you check in daily and if we don’t hear from you…We check in with you!


3. Be mindful of your nutrition.

I am not at all here to tell you to eat totally fresh and clean 100% of the time. I don’t think that’s a realistic or fun expectation. It is important to live and find margin for your favorite treats. That’s something I’m very passionate about and we teach the HOW to do that and achieve results in our BFF program, but if you aren’t a part of our community, simply remember my tips from earlier this week and that’s to eat a protein and carbohydrate at every meal…keeping in mind those carbs are coming from fruits and veggies first! If you are regularly working out and eating well, you most likely need to supplement.
Supplements can tend to get a bad rap and we will dive deeper into supplements later in January, but if you are trying to give your body what it needs to function optimally, it’s essential to supplement. Bottom line here is that our food isn’t as nutrient dense as it was years ago.
So you may need to supplement with extra collagen, greens, protein, joint support or vitamins and minerals. So stay tuned for more info on supplements very soon.

4. Measure your progress.

Nothing motivates a person more than seeing progress being made.
  • Whether you write down your accomplishments in a notebook or use a fancy tracker or online program, seeing visual evidence of your improvement will inspire you to reach new heights.
  • Start by taking pics, weigh and measure…I know it’s not the most fun, but you will thank yourself later.
  • Then decide on a goal…maybe that’s running a 5k…plan out your runs, cross training and when you will do each one. Track each workout session so you know where you started and how far you’ve come.
In our BFF community, we do not use the word RESOLUTION because, well as I said earlier, only 8% of Americans achieve those. We instead create INTENTIONS and are well on our way to achieving them! Pick attainable goals and start creating a fitness plan now that will set you up for success.
If you want to ease into a wellness routine this year, register for the 7 Day Kickstart video series….where each day for 7 days, you will receive a video training with daily action plans to get you motivated to make healthy changes at your own pace …and for those of you ready for a step by step approach to nutrition and fitness success in a supportive community where you can learn how to eat, when to eat to maximize your daily fat burn, leave margin for your favorite treats and workout anywhere in the country, we have a few spots remaining in the 7 week online BFF program….register below.
Email me for details (email in comments as well). This spots are first come first serve right now.
Best of luck to you in 2018.


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